Python Solution for Codeforces Problem 617A - Elephant

617a - Elephant codeforces python solution


Codeforces 617A, also known as "Elephant," presents a whimsical scenario involving an elephant and its journey. In this article, we'll explore the problem and delve into the Python code provided to solve it. The goal is to make the explanation accessible to everyone, even those without a deep understanding of programming.

The Elephant's Journey

Imagine an elephant located at point 0 on a coordinate axis. The elephant can move either to the right (positive direction) or to the left (negative direction). The challenge is to determine the minimum number of steps the elephant needs to take to reach a specific point 'n' on the axis.

Deciphering the Code

Let's break down the Python code and understand how it efficiently calculates the minimum number of steps for the elephant's journey.

n = int(input())
print((n + 4) // 5)

1. User Input

   - The first line of code takes user input, assuming it's an integer 'n' representing the destination point on the axis.

2. Calculation and Output:

   - The code then calculates `(n + 4) // 5` and prints the result.

   - Here, `//` represents integer division, meaning the result is rounded down to the nearest whole number.

Breaking Down the Formula

The formula `(n + 4) // 5` might seem a bit mysterious at first glance, but let's demystify it.

1. Adding 4:

   - By adding 4 to 'n,' we are essentially considering the elephant's steps in chunks of 5.

   - For example, if 'n' is 11, adding 4 makes it 15, indicating three groups of 5 steps each.

2. Integer Division by 5:

   - Dividing the modified 'n' by 5 gives us the number of complete groups of 5 steps the elephant takes to reach or exceed the destination.

Example Illustration

Let's consider an example:

- If 'n' is 11, `(11 + 4) // 5` equals 3.

- The elephant takes three groups of 5 steps each to cover the distance, requiring a total of 15 steps.


In conclusion, Codeforces 617A elegantly solves the Elephant's Journey problem by breaking down the steps into groups of 5. The formula `(n + 4) // 5` efficiently calculates the minimum number of steps needed for the elephant to reach its destination on the coordinate axis. This problem highlights the beauty of concise and clever solutions in the world of programming.

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